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New Flutter Course in Gujarati
First Section
Flutter Set Up
App Start-up (12:39)
Code Organize (12:22)
Adding Logic (9:20)
Container (11:50)
Custom Fonts & SafeArea (17:59)
Row-Column-Expanded (14:23)
Widget Tree-Images (14:03)
Stateful Widget (14:34)
Button Types (13:17)
Toast-Card (20:53)
ListView (14:08)
Long ListView (22:13)
SnackBar (16:44)
FAB-GridView (21:24)
Alert Dialog (12:40)
Simple Dialog (8:55)
DatePicker-TimePicker (21:59)
Bottom Sheet (18:22)
Draggable-Scrollable Sheet (20:47)
Text Field (16:25)
Form (22:17)
Dropdown Button (19:51)
CheckBox-CheckBox List Tile (16:00)
Radio-RadioListTile - 1 (4:55)
Radio-RadioListTile - 2 (6:57)
ThemeData (5:16)
Switch-Toggle (14:37)
RichText-SizedBox (11:54)
Stepper (17:31)
Baseline-Intrinsic Width (10:51)
Slider-Progress (8:56)
Wrap-Chip (18:28)
ExpansionTile (8:23)
Swipe to Dismiss (12:14)
ReorderableListView (16:34)
BasicAppBar & PopupMenuButton (10:23)
BottomAppBar (7:39)
SliverAppBar (9:38)
Backdrop (8:16)
Splash Screen (15:27)
Navigate & Passing Data (15:54)
TabBar (17:42)
Bottom TabBar (12:47)
BottomNavigationBar (12:47)
TabPageSelector (24:18)
FutureBuilder (20:13)
StreamBuilder (32:46)
Hero (14:39)
Opacity (18:16)
AnimatedContainer (21:41)
AnimatedBuilder (20:04)
Low Level Animation (28:45)
Animated Widget (20:47)
Lottie (20:57)
ImagePicker (18:21)
ExtendedImage (20:22)
Video Player (31:02)
WebView (8:27)
SharedPreferences (35:17)
SqLite - 1 (30:48)
SqLite - 2 (31:57)
Firebase Email Auth (34:02)
Firebase CRUD (39:06)
Http Get (35:57)
Http Post (29:42)
Google SignIn-SignOut (29:14)
Geolocator (18:46)
Mack Call & Share Text (12:30)
Internet Connectivity (15:56)
Local Notification (24:44)
Get-X (23:44)
Provider (41:33)
Http Post
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